Write SEO Friendly Article

How to Write SEO Friendly Article?

To write an SEO friendly article, this article will help you in this regard.

The backlinks are very much important in the ranking of your article with the target keyword.

I will share some unique techniques that will help you to go on top.

Write for your valuable audience

Keep in mind why you are writing the article, obviously for your valuable audience.

So It is very important why they are reading your article.

Off course yes, they are here to get information about their queries,  keywords and products.

If the information regarding the focus product, keywords and title you will provide accurate with detailed features and links.

Let’s suppose, someone wants to purchase a laptop (a best laptop). Now he can type different keywords like How to find the laptop? How to find the best laptop? ……

If you have an article about the laptop then this article must be so informative, that viewer not only read your article but also make a purchase from your post by clicking on the links.

Read Carefully

Now read this article carefully, word by word line by line and para by para.

And follow the instructions to make your article perfectly according to the requirements of the audience (viewers) as well as for SEO requirements.

Type Article in Parts

  • Introduction
  • Explanations
  • Ending

Low Completion Keywords

For writing an article first of all you need to search the low competition keywords.

Yes, do not add heigh competition keywords in the starting. I suggest you write 20 to 25 article with low competition keywords.

You can also read my article about low competition keywords

As we know the SEO have the two ways

  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO

If you know the art of On-Page SEO then you can also rank your article on the top without any backlinks too.

In this article, I am describing how you can write an SEO friendly article? But if want to learn about SEO in details you can read this.

There are so many websites and browser’s extensions available for finding the keyword status.

First target your keyword on which you are going to write an article

For Example, you are writing the article on;

How to find the best Laptop?

Find this title in the Google and note down all the subtitles you get in the search result.

Then find it in the keyword research tools. It is important to find low completion keyword.

How to find the best Laptop for me?

First thing is to choose the keyword on which your article will rank. In this case, we need to type the focus on the primary keyword in the title.

Keywords for finding the best laptop

There would be different keywords to type your article title like

How To Find The Best Laptop for —-


college students



Open WordPress Post editor, type your Post Title as I am typing

How to find the best Laptop for me?

this is your primary keyword and title

Activate the Yoast SEO Plugin and give the metadata  and SEO Title

SEO Title is the title which shows in the Google search result.

type SEO Title and correct it till it result bar converts to green.

SEO Title: Top 10 ways to find the best Laptop in …..

You will also find Slug there in the Yoast SEO,  by default it should take your slug keyword from the URL of your post title.

But id you are typing it by yourself then just type the URL of the post in the Slug

Slug: How to find the best Laptop for me

Next and the very important thing for writing the best SEO Friendly Article is to write Meta Description.

This Meta Description display in the Google search result with your post and post image.

So it is important to understand to type attractable title and meta description.

How to type Meta Tile in the Post according to SEO?

Type your meta title till the SEO result bar goes green.

Your keyword must be in the top primary title of your article and in the SEO title and in the Slug as well as in the meta description.

It is very much important to check other’s article. In another way to check your competitor’s articles.

And analyze the top ten competitors articles on how and what they wrote. Why their articles in the top positions.

Follow their ways don’t make your own way while ranking yourself in the world of internet.

Article Must be Unique

It is really excellent to type a unique article in your own words without copying and rewriting other’s articles.

But it is also most important to do the proper research on your target keyword.

And you have to write the article better than your competitor.

principles of writing A Good Article

Now to type the body text of your article you must follow these SEO principles.

  1. Your article must have a heading and subheadings.
  2. targeting the primary keyword must be in the intro first paragraph.
  3. Add indexing of your heading
  4. Write a high-quality content article.
  5. The paragraph must be of one or two lines long.
  6. Images in your article to attract your viewer.
  7. Add your website internal links
  8. YouTube video embed link about your article explanation.
  9. Promote your important text with numbers or bullets.
  10. compress your images and then upload in the post of your website.
  11. Add Alt text with the image
  12. Your article must cover all the information which viewer may need to know about.
  13. Use tools of your website design software to make your website attractive.
  14. Check the spelling and grammatical mistakes before posting your article online for the public. For this purpose use Grammarly  

I prefer to use WordPress for making your website and posts because it has verity of features and built-in plugins.

Which help you to create SEO friendly posts.

Add tags in your posts

actually, tags represent the post and able to the viewers and audience to visit your post. There could be several tags in a single post.

Tags are the keywords that give the explanation about the part of your post or all the post.

You must type in the relevant tags for the post, which must cover all possible questions from the audience.

How to Create and Find the tags in WordPress?

Open WordPress admin panel click on the tags under the Post category

here you will find three fields to add a new tag

  1. Name
  2. Slug
  3. Description

You can add tags one by one according to the post or your website keywords. Tags must be in the lower case like (best).

Tag name and slug must be the same and in the lower case. And the description for you to define your tag in detail.

You can also add tags while typing your article in the post editing area.

Keep monitoring your post ranking and make possible changes if needed.

I typed the article in simple words so anyone can understand it easily.

I may use the difficult words but I always keep in mind to give easy and full informative information to the audience.

You can also ask your questions in the comment section and you can also request me to write an article for you.

You can also read my post about Article Writing.
