What is the use of by and with

What is the use of by and with?

Title: Understanding the Practical Applications of “By” and “With”


In the English language, prepositions  play a crucial role (اہم کردار) in connecting words and phrases in a sentence.

Two commonly used prepositions, “by” and “with,” have diverse (گوناگوں) applications that impact the meaning and context of a sentence.

This blog post will explore (دریافت) the various (مختلف) uses of “by” and “with” and how they contribute (شراکت، معاونت کرنا، حصہ ڈالنا) to effective communication.

  1. “By” as a Means or Method:

One of the primary uses of “by” is to indicate the means or method by which an action is performed.

It suggests the agent ( کارندہ، نمائندہ، یا وکیل) or instrument responsible for accomplishing (مکمل کرنا یا حاصل کرنا) a task (کام، فریضہ، یا ذمہ داری).

For example, “The painting was created by an accomplished artist (ماہر فنکار یا ماہر مصور)” highlights the artist as the creator of the painting.

“By” can also denote (ظاہر کرنا، دلالت کرنا، یا اشارہ دینا۔) the manner (انداز، طریقہ، یا طور طریقہ) in which something is achieved. Consider (غور کرنا، توجہ دینا، یا خیال کرنا) the sentence, “The problem was solved by thinking outside the box.”

Here, “by” implies (مفہوم ) that thinking creatively ( تخلیقی طور پر) or unconventionally (غیر روایتی طور پر یا عجیب طریقے سے)  led to the problem’s resolution.

  1. “With” as Accompaniment (ہمراہ، ساتھ)  or Instrument (آلہ یا اوزار۔):

The preposition “with” is commonly used to indicate accompaniment (ہمراہی یا ساتھ)  or the presence (موجودگی) of something.

It suggests that two or more entities (وجود، ہستی، یا ادارے) are together or associated (وابستہ، متعلق، یا منسلک) in some way.

For instance (مثال یا صورت) , “She arrived at the party with her friends” indicates that the person arrived alongside (کے ساتھ یا ہمراہ) her friends.

Furthermore (اس کے علاوہ یا مزید) , “with” can also be used to denote the instrument or tool used to perform a particular  action.

For example, “I cut the vegetables with a sharp knife” specifies the tool used to perform the cutting action.

  1. “By” as Agent or Authority ( اختیار، حاکمیت، یا اتھارٹی) :

Another important use of “by” is to highlight the agent or authority responsible for an action or decision.

It implies that a person or entity is accountable (ذمہ دار یا جوابدہ) for a particular outcome (نتیجہ ) or result.

For instance (مثال کے ظور پر), “The report was approved by the board of directors” signifies (ظاہر کرنا، دلالت کرنا، یا اشارہ دینا)  that the board of directors authorized the report.

  1. “With” as Characteristic (خاصیت یا خصوصیت) or Condition (حالت، شرط، یا صورتحال):

The preposition “with” can also be used to describe a characteristic or condition that is associated (وابستہ، متعلق، یا منسلک) with someone or something.

It suggests a quality, state (ریاست، حالت، یا بیان کرنا) , or trait (خصوصیت یا خاصیت) that is inherent (ذاتی، طبعی، یا فطری) or related to the subject.

For example, “She is a writer with exceptional (غیر معمولی یا ناقابلِ یقین) storytelling skills” emphasizes (زور دینا یا اہمیت دینا) that exceptional (غیر معمولی یا خاص) storytelling skills are a characteristic of the writer.

Conclusion ( نتیجہ یا اختتام):

Understanding the proper usage of prepositions is essential ( بنیادی، ضروری، یا اہم) for effective communication.

The versatile (ہمہ گیر، متنوع، یا ہر طرف استعمال ہونے والا) prepositions “by” and “with” have distinct (مختلف، واضح) applications that contribute to the clarity and precision (درستی، حفاظت، یا واضحیت) of a sentence.

By using “by” to indicate means or methods and “with” to denote accompaniment (ہمراہی، ساتھ) or instrument, we can convey information accurately and concisely (خلاصہ طور پر یا مختصر انداز میں).

So, the next time you encounter (مقابلہ کرنا، سامنا کرنا، یا ملنا) these prepositions, pay attention to their subtle nuances (نرم تفصیلات یا باریک پہلو) and make your sentences more impactful ( اثراتی یا مؤثر).